ECO Habitats Of Urban Sustainable Experiences™
Creating a GREENER
tomorrow TODAY
"Architects, if they are really to be comprehensive, must assume the enormous task in thinking in terms always disciplined to the scale of the total world pattern of needs, its resource flows, its recirculatory and regenerative needs."
- Richard Buckminster Fuller
ECOhouse Services
ECOhouse specializes in:
Sustainable design
Coastal Development
Coastal Permit Processing
Discretionary Permit Processing
Custom Homes
Multi-family Development
Commercial Development
Tenant Improvements
We also have experience in:
Large Retail Projects
Food and Beverage Facilities
Retail Showrooms
Office Buildings
Entertainment Studios
Project Planning Lab
Getting the right information to start your project is incredibly important. Saving you time and money knowing your options from the beginning. We provide the site research and feasibility options you need to make informed decisions regarding your project. Meet with our team to define your style, program, and project specifics. You will have a clear understanding of the process from start to finish. Find out more and schedule your personal Project Planning LAB.
"We designed this L.A.B. (learn, apply, build) because there is a huge issue in the construction industry of people starting design and construction before they have fully done their research and homework.
The consequence of inadequate upfront research of your needs and options is like building a house on a bad foundation. The foundation is the most important part of the building because everything is built on top. It is very expensive to change the foundation once you have started to build on top of them. It is very easy to change them if they are simply lines on a plan. So we spend a little more time on the research rather than rush into the design phase.
We will not rush this step. It only causes cost over runs later if we take short cuts and don’t establish a solid foundation.
The valuable insights you gain from this first phase can be used by us or any other architect and will ultimately produce a better result for you. This Project Planning L.A.B. starts a strategy designed to precisely understand your requirements, then to give findings and recommendations and a plan to move forward with a timeline and budget."
What we provide:
Site visit
Research possibilities of site / viability
Research codes and constraints
Project concept outline / program
Project needs: services, consultants, required studies and calculations
Project finances: estimated city fees, expected budget
Timeline and process prior to building
Production of report included
Travel expenses within San Diego County (all other areas beyond this are priced at cost)
What to expect at the L.A.B.:
Review planning lab report
Results of site inspection
Consider project scope in detail and weigh options
Examine the look and feel of the project
Assess estimated budget and budget expectations
Evaluate service options
Discuss process prior to building
Space plan sketch to start design discussion
Fee proposal for architectural services and estimated consultant fees
Explain future L.A.B.'s that continue to ensure the finished project you expect
Urban Infill San Diego
What is urban infill?
Why is urban infill sustainable?
How does urban infill work?
Who benefits from urban infill?
How to create smart growth
Let's talk about how to make your project GREEN