Thank you Ken for installing our hand dryer! On our #ecohouse quest for #zerowaste we will be saving trees, eliminating restroom waste and saving money!
17 trees and 20,000 gallons of water are polluted to make just one room of paper towels.
It would take 51,000 trees to replace the paper towels thrown out each day.
more you should know from
40% of U.S. landfill trash is paper products.
The paper industry is the third largest contributor to global warming.
The average American discards of 700 pounds or more of paper each year.
If every household in the U.S. used just one less 70-sheet roll of virgin fiber paper towels, that would save 544,000 trees each year.
Change that to using three less rolls per U.S. household per year, and that would save 120,000 tons of waste and $4.1 million in landfill dumping fees.
Your typical paper towel is manufactured using chlorine, which releases carcinogenic dioxins and furans.